
The Postgraduate Program in Genetics and Improvement offers facilities and staff to support teaching, research and extension activities

The program structure is associated with the Departments of Plant Science and General Biology , who have supported the Genetics and Improvement Program since its creation, and laboratories from other departments coordinated by program supervisors.

Some of the research structures available to the PPG GM -UFV are described below :



The Biometrics Laboratory was inaugurated on 04/13/2012 in partnership with the bioinformatics laboratory. It is located in the Department of General Biology (DBG) at the Federal University of Viçosa (MG).

It consists of 35 computers in addition to the Biometric Processing Laboratory (PROBIO) with 3 high-performance servers for genetic-statistical analysis.

It also counts on professors of genetics, improvement and statistics and students of scientific initiation, masters and doctorate.


Train professionals in the area of ​​Biometrics and Genetic improvement

Analyze and process data with emphasis on plant breeding

To promote the training and professional qualification in subjects of Genetics and Improvement

Develop and make available computer applications for the teaching and learning of genetics and simulation, analysis and data processing.

The biometrics laboratory is part of BIODATA, which is the research network in biometrics and statistics of UFV ( dbg / biodata.htm)


Leonardo Lopes Bhering – Adjunct Professor IV – Department of General Biology. CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship – Level 2

Cosme Damião Cruz – Full Professor – Department of General Biology. CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship – Level 1A

Pedro Crescêncio Souza Carneiro – Full Professor – Department of General Biology. CNPq Research Productivity Scholar – Level 1D

Research lines:

Biometry and Experimental Statistics.

Genetical diversity

Quantitative Genetics

Genomic Analysis of Plant Species in Controlled Crosses.

Genomic Analysis of Exogamic Populations .

Artificial Neural Networks in Plant Breeding.

Wide Genome Selection in Plant Breeding.

Development of a Computational Application in the Genetics Area for Simulation, Analysis and Data Processing.

Development of Computational Application in the Genetics Area for Teaching and Learning.



Molecular Genetics Laboratory ( BioCafé ): composed of a central room for extraction of nucleic acids, preparation of reactions and amplification of DNA; exclusive room for vertical electrophoresis; room for horizontal electrophoresis, exclusive room for handling and amplification of RNA; room for handling microorganisms, room for DNA sequencing and cup for washing and sterilization of glassware and other materials used in molecular techniques.

– Computer room: with workspace for five computers, two of them with access to the UFV server.

– Fields and Experimental Farms of coffee and coffee farms;

– Heated greenhouses;

– Controlled temperature and humidity chambers (incubation rooms for pathogens and inoculation of plants with pathogens).

Medium and large equipment:

Vertical autoclave, analytical and precision balances, laminar flow bench, BOD chamber, single chamber, centrifuges, horizontal and vertical electrophoresis tanks, lyophilizers , trinocular microscope, inverted microscope, spectrophotometer-nanodrop , real-time PCR, DNA ABI ( sanger ), DNA sequencing system MiSeq Illumina (new generation sequencing), temperature controlled shaker , microscope fluorescence system, image / computer analysis system, thermal cyclers , transilluminator (image analyzer), ultra-freezers -80ºC.


Laboratory of Molecular Plant Virology

The Lab oratory of Virology Molecular Plant occupies the entire ground floor of the headquarters building of the INCT in Interaction Plant-Prague (Annex to Bioagro), with an area of approx. 400 m2 including two professors’ offices, a bioinformatics room, storage room, temperature-controlled chamber for the maintenance of whitefly colonies , air conditioned room for the HPC cluster, and the laboratory itself. The laboratory has all the necessary equipment for conventional and molecular virology, with emphasis on the high performance computer cluster used for bioinformatics analysis. In addition to the laboratory equipment, researchers and students have access to the excellent structure of greenhouses, growth chambers and field area of ​​the Department of Phytopathology.


Graduate Program in Genetics and Breeding
Arthur Bernardes Building, Underground, Room 12 – University Campus
CEP: 36570-900 – Viçosa – MG, Brazil
Tel: +55 31 3612 – 2354 / +55 31 3612-2355

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