Research lines

Plant Genetics: Basic and applied research in cytogenetics, biotechnology and genetic engineering, including studies on localization, regulation, gene expression and sequencing, chromosomal characterization, DNA quantification, gene and protein variability, genetic diversity, Regeneration and transformation of plants, and interaction between host and pathogen genes, in relation to important plant species.

Quantitative Genetics: Research on the relative importance of genes and environment in the phenotypic variability of continuous variation characteristics, aiming at improving the efficiency of the selective processes. Its foundations are important for theoretical and applied research with Genomic Statistics, among other important areas of Genetics and Genetic Improvement.

Plant Breeding: Research aimed at the application of genetic improvement methods, for the development of new strategies for genetic improvement, and for the discovery and use of genes of economic importance, aiming at obtaining cultivars and hybrids. The objectives are achieved by integrating Quantitative Genetics, Molecular Genetics and Statistics.

Molecular Genetics: Research on structure and function of genes and proteins, using equipment and methods of Molecular Biology. The best known techniques employed are DNA and RNA isolation, cell and tissue culture, amplification or DNA hybridization, DNA sequencing, DNA cloning, in situ hybridization, and somatic cell hybridization.


Graduate Program in Genetics and Breeding
Arthur Bernardes Building, Underground, Room 12 – University Campus
CEP: 36570-900 – Viçosa – MG, Brazil
Tel: +55 31 3612 – 2354 / +55 31 3612-2355

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